...cuando ha sido capaz de decir esto:
“It will be a stirring sight to watch President Obama, his wife Michelle, and their beautiful girls step through the doors of the White House”
o esto:
“I know millions of Americans will be overcome with pride at this inspiring moment that so many have awaited so long. I know Senator Obama’s beloved mother and grandparents would have been thrilled to watch the child they raised ascend the steps of the Capitol - and take his oath to uphold the Constitution of the greatest nation on the face of the earth.”
o esto:
“Across the country, citizens voted in large numbers. They showed a watching world the vitality of America’s democracy, and the strides we have made towards a more perfect union. They chose a president whose journey represents a triumph of the American story - a testament to hard work, optimism, and faith in the enduring promise of our nation"
No me imagino esta muestra de grandeza en el lodazal de la política española. No me imagino a hombres de una pieza rigiendo el destino de España. Y bien que me pesa.
2 comentarios
cartasmarruecas -
Natalia Pastor -
Ver a Pepiño Blanco loando a Castro en su visita a Cuba, mientras demoniza a Bush, es la medida perfecta de al catadura moral de esta cuadrilla.